
Pretoriuskop Camp - Kruger Park Prices

1. Shoulder Season01-Nov-23 To 12-Dec-23
2. High Season13-Dec-23 To 15-Jan-24
3. Low Season16-Jan-24 To 19-Mar-24
4. High Season20-Mar-24 To 31-Oct-24
1. Shoulder Season01-Nov-24 To 12-Dec-24
2. High Season 13-Dec-24 To 15-Jan-25
3. Low Season 16-Jan-25 To 19-Mar-25
4. High Season 20-Mar-25 To 31-Oct-25

TBA = To be announced

Rate Description Currency Period 1 2 3 4 13
Campsite (CK6P)
Campsite CK6P: 1–2 Persons per Night
ZAR Present 349.00 455.00 349.00 455.00
Future 368.00 480.00 368.00 480.00
Camping: Additional Adult
Camping: Additional Adult per Night
ZAR Present 110.00 110.00 110.00 110.00
Future 116.00 116.00 116.00 116.00
Camping: Additional Child
Camping: Additional Child per Night
ZAR Present 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00
Future 58.00 58.00 58.00 58.00
Hut (ES2)
Hut ES2: 1-2 Persons per Night
ZAR Present 507.00 571.00 455.00 571.00
Future 536.00 603.00 480.00 603.00
Hut (EB2)
Hut EB2: 1-2 Persons per Night
ZAR Present 761.00 846.00 687.00 846.00
Future 804.00 893.00 726.00 893.00
Hut (EB3)
Hut EB3: 1-2 Persons per Night
ZAR Present 761.00 846.00 687.00 846.00
Future 804.00 893.00 726.00 893.00
Hut (EB5)
Hut EB5: 1-2 Persons per Night
ZAR Present 761.00 846.00 6687.00 846.00
Future 804.00 893.00 726.00 893.00
Hut (EB6)
Hut: Additional Adult per Night (EB3/EB5/EB6)
ZAR Present 209.00 209.00 209.00 209.00
Future 221.00 221.00 221.00 221.00
Hut (EB6)
Hut: Additional Child per Night (EB3/EB5/EB6)
ZAR Present 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00
Future 111.00 111.00 111.00 111.00
Hut (EB6)
Hut EB6: 1-2 Persons per Night
ZAR Present 761.00 846.00 687.00 846.00
Future 804.00 893.00 726.00 893.00
Bungalow (BG2)
Bungalow BG2/BG2D: 1–2 Persons per Night
ZAR Present 1490.00 1649.00 1332.00 1649.00
Future 1574.00 1741.00 1406.00 1741.00
Bungalow (BG4)
Bungalow BG4: 1–2 Persons per Night
ZAR Present 1490.00 1649.00 1332.00 1649.00
Future 1574.00 1741.00 1406.00 1741.00
Bungalow (BG6)
Bungalow BG6: 1-2 Persons per Night
ZAR Present 1596.00 1776.00 1406.00 1776.00
Future 1596.00 1875.00 1485.00 1875.00
Bungalow: Additional Adult
Bungalow: Additional Adult per Night (BG4/BG6)
ZAR Present 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00
Future 335.00 335.00 335.00 335.00
Bungalow: Additional Child
Bungalow: Additional Child per Night (BG4/BG6)
ZAR Present 159.00 159.00 159.00 159.00
Future 167.00 167.00 167.00 167.00
Bungalow (BD2)
Bungalow BD2/BD2D: 1–2 Persons per Night
ZAR Present 1702.00 1860.00 1490.00 1860.00
Future 1797.00 1964.00 1574.00 1964.00
Bungalow (BD2M)
Bungalow BD2M: 1-2 Persons per Night
ZAR Present 1702.00 1860.00 1490.00 1860.00
Future 1797.00 1964.00 1574.00 1964.00
Family Bungalow (FU4D)
Bungalow FU4D: 1–4 Persons per Night
ZAR Present 3330.00 3330.00 3330.00 3330.00
Future 3516.00 3516.00 3516.00 3516.00
Family Cottage (FF6D)
Cottage FF6D: 1–4 Persons per Night
ZAR Present 3330.00 3330.00 3330.00 3330.00
Future 3516.00 3516.00 3516.00 3516.00
Family Cottage (FF6DB)
Cottage FF6DB: 1–4 Persons per Night
ZAR Present 3330.00 3330.00 3330.00 3330.00
Future 3516.00 3516.00 3516.00 3516.00
Cottage: Addtional Person
Cottage: Additional Adult per Night
ZAR Present 571.00 571.00 571.00 571.00
Future 603.00 603.00 603.00 603.00
Cottage: Addtional Child
Cottage: Additional Child per Night
ZAR Present 285.00 285.00 285.00 285.00
Future 301.00 301.00 301.00 301.00
Doherty Bryant Guest House (GH9B)
Doherty Guest House GH9B: 1-6 Persons per Night
ZAR Present 6479.00 6860.00 6257.00 6860.00
Future 6842.00 7424.00 6608.00 7424.00
Pierre Joubert Guest House (GH16)
P Joubert Guest House GH16: 1-8 Persons per Night
ZAR Present 8234.00 8636.00 7928.00 8636.00
Future 8695.00 9119.00 8371.00 9119.00
Guest House: Additional Adult
Guest House: Additional Adult per Night
ZAR Present 909.00 909.00 909.00 909.00
Future 960.00 960.00 960.00 960.00
Guest House: Additional Child
Guest House: Additional Child per Night
ZAR Present 455.00 455.00 455.00 455.00
Future 480.00 480.00 480.00 480.00

Cost Info